
Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's gonna snow!

It's the last day if May; and it reached 90 degrees here in New Jersey ...... and it's gonna snow !!!!

When I got home tonight and checked my e-mail; there was an e-mail from my Congressman. He directed me to a site where I could offer my assessment of the newly proposed immigration bill.

Oh my goodness !!!!!

What a novel concept ..... a Congressman actually taking the time to poll his constituency on a matter of national importance and security! Way to go, Congressman Ferguson. You made my day; now I just hope you pay attention to what an overwhelming majority of your constituents seem to be saying.

73 de Larry W2LJ

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting back into the swing of things .....

Okay, the new job has settled down to the point that I'm in a semi-comfortable routine; and my head is no longer spinning in circles. Back to familiar things.

I joined the Barbershop Sprint tonight. There was some activity; but not terribly much. I worked just about everyone I was able to hear. That netted me 14 QSOs in about an hour and a half. I pulled the plug a half hour early as I just wasn't hearing any new stations and my CQs were going longer and longer in between answers. It was fun; but boy ...... being away from radio for about a month made a very familiar thing feel not so quite familiar any more! Next Monday night is the ARS Spartan Sprint; so I look ofrward into getting into the QRP Sprint routine again.

I went out at lunch time and set up the station in the car at the parking lot. 20 Meters was dead .... dead .... dead .... DEAD! I think scanning up and down the band around 1800 UTC, I only heard maybe two whole stations?!? I think we need some sun spots.

For those of you who have been visiting my Website; and have been noticing the "weirdities" on the pages ..... I think I finally have them straightened out. The gentleman who provides me with hosting space had to change servers. In the process of moving, I think things got corrupted; and there was gobbledy-gook at the bottom of each page. I finally figured out how the new system works and I think I cleaned up all the pages tonight.

It's good to be getting back in the radio groove again.

73 de Larry W2LJ

Monday, May 14, 2007

Turning the page

Two weeks ago, I hit a milestone on the "road we call life". I hit the big Five-Oh.

Yep, I'm 50 now. Officially middle aged. Only 5 years from being eligible to join the AARP and only some 15 or 20 years away from retirement.

No K3 to commemorate the event. Harumpff!

73 de Larry W2LJ


It came! It came! It came!

A milestone arrived in the mail today! That most coveted piece of cardboard, measuring only approximately 3.5 X % inches; but yet of inestimable value to me! My QSL card for my QRP contact with Hawaii from back in 2005, finally made it to my door!

Oh joy of joys! Only one more QSO to make; and have confirmed and then I will have made contact with all 50 United States via QRP CW. Alaska - the final wilderness - the final frontier - the final QRP CW QSO needed.

I imagine it will come sooner or later; probably later than sooner. I imagine ol' Sol is going to have top break out in a decent case of acne before I manage Alaska with 5 Watts from New Jersey. However, stranger things have happened; so you never know.

Godspeed and safe travel to all of you headed out to Dayton this weekend for Hamvention and FDIM. I envy you all; and wish I could be there with you. Hey, if Elecraft is handing out samples of the new K3; will someone be sure to pick one up for me? Pretty please? ;)

73 de Larry W2LJ