
Friday, January 11, 2008

Sacre Bleu !!!

Sorry if I misspelled that! But the meaning was there.

I was surprised to look at my Webpage counter this afternoon to see a surge in "hits". I usually get 20 to 30 visitors on a typical day. My Webpage is a modest little affair - nothing too fancy, nothing too, too technical. My Webpage is kind of like me - plain ol' vanilla.

So when I saw that I had over 250 hits today alone, my immediate thought was, OK ...... somebody must have made a comment about my Website somewhere; or maybe someone famous put me in their links. That may or may not be the case; but the majority of visitors came from France. 74% of the hits came from France.

I wonder what's on there that's so popular in France?

But getting back to my Webpage. I have to admit, I know next to nothing about HTML. If it wasn't for the Mozilla Webpage editor, I'd be in deep trouble. My Webmaster abilities were all self taught. A trial and error kind of thing. I'm still learning each time I try to do something new. I would like to make it more up to date and flashier; but without getting frivolous and superfluous. The goal is to help people get their feet wet in homebrewing, QRP, portable operations and Morse Code (of course).

BTW, before I forget ..... I reached 70 countries via QRP CW last weekend when I worked Mile, YU7VX in Serbia. He was calling CQ on 40 Meters and I was trying my best to be heard; and quite frankly, I was not having much luck. That's when my good friend John Laney K4BAI came on frequency and worked Mile with an earsplitting signal! I have NEVER heard John so loud and we work each other a lot in all the QRP sprints. Anyway, John works Mile and asks him to listen for the W2 QRP station that is calling him. Success! Mile gave me a 449 and the QSO was in the bag. Thanks so much, John .... I owe you one!

And I also worked two more SKCC members this past week. That brings up my Centurion total to 92. I just might make Centurion before they reach the 200 mark!

This coming Wednesday night is the NAQCC Sprint. I haven't made one of these in months and I am chomping at the bit! I'm really looking forward to this; but I have my fingers crossed that my neighbor's S9 RFI on 40 Meters will do its vanishing act for the evening. If it doesn't then I am screwed as all my contacts will have to be on 80 Meters.

All that being said ..... no radio tonight. I'm still a bit under the weather; and I don't feel like hanging out in the chilly basement. I think after I post this, I'll go upstairs and turn in early again.

73 de Larry W2LJ

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