
Sunday, May 18, 2008

A new blog for your perusal .....

Steve NØTU, who goes out to do a lot of portable QRP work accompanied by his two goats, Peanut and Rooster has set up a new blog - "Peanut and Rooster Adventures". It's VERY new and there aren't a lot of posts right now; but it is definitely one to keep your eye on. I've enjoyed watching Steve's videos on YouTube; and it's great that he's starting a blog about their adventures. For some reason, Google is very slow for me tonight; so I'll add Peanut and Rooster to my list of "Blogs of Interest" sometime tomorrow.

Tonight was also the Flying Pigs monthly Run For The Bacon sprint. It was so good to see some activity on 20 Meters again! I actually made 5 QRP QSOs on 20 Meters after 9:00 PM Eastern time. Wow! It's either the return of summer time conditions or maybe Ol' Sol is getting a few freckles back? Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come. In any event, I broke the 1, 000 point barrier for the first time in a long time. It certainly helps that 40 Meters is QRN free for me now that the heating season is over.

I was also fortunate to work Jim W1PID on 80 Meters during the Sprint. He was 599 plus plus PLUS and nearly blew my eardrums out! It was definitely a good thing that I had the ALC turned on, on the K2; or I might be saying, "Eh?" a lot right now!

This coming week is the NAQCC monthly Sprint also. Keep an eye out on the announcements for that.

73 de Larry W2LJ

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