
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ta Daa !!!

OK - so here's the new W2LJ QSL card. It's not as "classic" as my first choice; but I took the photo myself (no copyright problems that way) and ended up with a high enough resolution photo that worked for a card. Here's the front:

Of course, it's the K1 and the 2004 Christmas Key that I just got this past Christmas. I love that "Camel back" design! And this photo pretty much sums up my whole operating philosophy, which is QRP, CW and the outdoors in one photograph. Now, it's not to say that this is the only way I operate - far from it! But it is one of my favorite ways to get on the air.

Here's the back:

That's me on vacation up at Lake George last summer, doing exactly what I enjoy so much. I decided not to clutter up the card with a ton of logos or membership numbers. I am trying to keep the design as clean as possible.

I am so looking forward to getting these! I decided to go with UX5UO's "Luxury" series, which gives the front a glossy finish. I should have 1,000 of these in about a month. If the finished product comes out nearly as well as the proof has, I will be happy indeed.

73 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Nice card! Hope to work you soon so I can get one.

    73 Scott AD7MI

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Yes, indeed.
    It's a very nice card.
    I would like to make a card like yours.


    Best de JJ8KGZ Leo

  3. Very nice! What's the antenna you are using in the photo on the back?

  4. Congrats Larry, the design looks outstanding! Hope to work you this summer and get one of those cards for my collection.

    73 de Jeff, KE9V

  5. Very interesting sci-fi design. It looks like the radio is sitting on some sort of lake with gentle waves and the distant sky is on some other planet with green clouds.

  6. The antenna being used on the back of the card is the PAC-12. It's very lightweight, portable and easy to homebrew.

    The setting for the front photo is our backyard patio table which has a glass top. The green "clouds" is just the lawn. Where it's very bright green/yellow in the upper left corner is direct sunlight hitting the grass. I had the umbrella open and took the photos in the open shade, which is the best light for photographs, by the way.

    73 de Larry W2LJ
