
Friday, September 18, 2009

A pleasant surprise!

I received the following e-mail today from Jay Bromley, the Awards Manager for QRP-ARCI:

"Hi Larry, Congrats on your ALL-States QRP award all CW. I have it ready and it should go out tomorrow. If there is any problems please let me know. Again congrats, I don't hand out many of those! -----your number 17!"

Now that surprises me! I would have thought that there'd be a veritable ton of QRPers who have completed WAS using CW. And perhaps maybe there are; but they don't take advantage of the wonderful awards program that QRP-ARCI offers.

If you're one of the not familiar, a simple visit to here will cure that right up! I'm sure a lot of you are aware of QRP-ARCI's 1,000 Miles per Watt Award; but there is so much more available! For instance, there's Worked All Continents QRP, County Hunters and QRP DX Awards just to name a few.

AND ..... you don't have to submit QSL cards! Fill out the form and have two General Class or higher Hams verify and sign off that they have seen your cards or log; and you're good to go!

OK - so in the Ham Radio world, maybe the QRP-ARCI Awards don't hold exactly the same esteem as the ARRL or CQ awards; but you know what? QRP-ARCI is made up of my fellow QRP'ers, the folks who share the same passion for low power operating that I have. The QRP-ARCI WAS Award will be framed and displayed prominently on my shack wall - of that you can rest assured!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Larry....I need Hawaii and Alaska to qualify with QRP.

    Good work!
