
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Better but not great

My S9 band noise went away; but participation in the QRP-ARCI Fall QSO Party seems to be light. I've worked only a couple stations on 20 Meters and a few more on 40 and 80 Meters. As soon as I get done doing a few more odds and ends, I will head down to the shack again.

So far, I've been fortunate to work John K4BAI, contester and QRPer extraordinaire! John always has a decent signal into NJ and it's always a pleasure to hear him.

John K4BAI

I've also been fortunate to work two well known QRPers from Canada, Jean-Pierre VA2SG and Bob VA3RKM. I've worked Bob in many a QRP Sprint. He is a fellow NAQCCer and Flying Pig. I have him in my log, many many times. Bob is always good for a loud QRP signal into NJ, as well as a very steady fist and very clean copy.


I also worked DL5RDO; but I think he was in a different contest! (Yes, he was in the Worked All Germany contest!) There seems to be a lot of them on today, including the NY QSO Party which seems to be quite busy. Also, there's some sort of RTTY contest on 40 Meters with the RTTYers coming all the way down as far as 7.040 MHz. Fortunately, they're not coming down as far as 7.030 MHz and there seem be QRPers spreading out between 7.030 and about 7.038 MHz.

73 de Larry W2LJ

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