
Sunday, January 03, 2010

Prayer need !!!!

This was on QRP-L tonight - Please keep Dave K4TWJ in your thoughts and prayers!

My fellow QRPers,

I received an Email from Sandy the wife of Dave Ingram, K4TWJ, who we all know writes the QRP column for CQ Magazine. Dave suffered a massive heart attack on New Years Eve and his situation is not good. He is at St. Vincent's Hospital, 810 St. Vincent's Drive, Birmingham, AL 35025. I hope some of you can send him your best wishes. I'm not sure if he is in any condition to be able to read them but I know that cards and notes from his readers would certainly be a positive thing! I am an avid reader of his column and would love to be able to continue to read it in the future. My prayers will be with Dave and Sandy.


I've corresponded with Dave a few times about matters CW and QRP - he is good people. So if you can, please send him a QSL card at the above address so that he knows we're with him at his time of need.

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Dave has been one of our key collecting fraternity for many years. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

    Tom W1IMQ
