
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Customer satisfaction

I received a response from Dan Tayloe N7VE regarding the U11 50 MHz Reference Oscillator that needs to be replaced on my PFR3A. He has a spare and is going to pop it into the mail for me. Dan is the one who pre-mounts the SMT parts on the PFR3A boards.

Hopefully, once I get that and install it, I will finally have the DDS LO signal that I need to get the receive section of the PFR3A working. Then I can continue on to the transmitter section.

Other than that, not much is going on here tonight. Both 40 and 80 Meters are amazingly QRN free tonight. I have called CQ a bunch of times tonight; but have gotten no takers on either band. I am going to head down to the shack for a few more tries before heading off to bed.

I have been on the air for about five days in a row now; and it is becoming addictive again. Getting on the air makes you want to be on the air, more and more.

72 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the sunspot activity the bands really are becoming addictive again. I spent a good part of the late morning and early afternoon working 15 meter PSK. I even managed a 10 meter contact with a VP8 station using a vertical and 90 watts. So you are right, it is getting addictive again. and it goes to show that you don't always need an amp for DX.
