
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Having fun !!!

In the ARRL DX Contest ! Both 10 and 15 Meters are open and I am just going around randomly working stations that I can pick out among the madness. Boy, there sure seems to be a lot of guys who have trekked down to the Caribbean, particularly Aruba. I have heard more stations on the air from Aruba today than I think I ever have before. I guess all the snow and cold has made a lot of Hams from the colder climates with cabin fever make the move to a warmer venue. I should try selling my XYL on that concept one of these years!

A new one for me via QRP has been Chile. CE1/K7CA has a superb set of ears and picked my peanut whistle signal out of the aether. That brings my QRP DXCC entity total to 104. I have to update the "entities worked" spreadsheet on my Webpage as I never included the very first one that I worked back in 1994, C2MV - Nauru.

I am finding that on 15 and 10 Meters that I am having much more success with the Butternut HF9V that I am with the G5RV. When I wasn't working stations that were pretty loud to me; I decided to switch to the vertical and was getting picked up on the first, second or third call; when it seemed they weren't hearing me with the wire at all!

In a few minutes, I have to take my daughter Cara to a cheer leading team practice. Then I will come home and probably spend a little more time on the bands. Once dinner time rolls around, that will probably be it for me until the night time.

72 de Larry W2LJ

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