
Friday, April 02, 2010

Sometimes I feel like an idiot!

As proof that I really do follow the blogs listed in my blogroll to the bottom right, I was surprised when I read Jason NT7S's "Ripples in the Ether". In his post "Fresh Meat on the Blogroll" he mentioned a blog written by a VERY good friend of mine - Brian KB9BVN.

Now, I consider you all to be very good friends of mine - but Brian and I know each other pretty darned well considering we have never met face to face. We are both members of the Flying Pigs QRP Club International; and we maintain a semi regular correspondence via e-mail. Well, at least when the mood strikes us and we need to vent to one another about something that concerns the both of us. We have common interests that go beyond just Amateur Radio.

I had no idea that Brian has a blog. He's a darned good writer, too. And for those who don't know, he is the recently appointed editor of "QRP Quarterly". Before that, for a long time, he was editor and compiler of the "Bacon Bits Quarterly" the e-newsletter of the Flying Pigs. He had done a marvelous job with "Bits" and , at least in this humble Ham's opinion, the QRP ARCI is darned lucky to have him on their staff.

So once yet again, I had a Homer "D'oh" moment when I discovered that Brian has his own blog. Knowing Brian, I recommend it heartily. He is an avid QRP and CW op, he likes to tinker around and try new things; and he's super articulate in telling you what he has discovered and what is good or bad about it. I know that this is a "keeper" without having to go and read previous posts.

And, he's also the type of guy who would be willing to sit down with you with a few cold 807s and a few plates of ribs and BS about radio all day! What could be better than that?

72 de Larry W2LJ

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