
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New catalog

If you make a comment on a post; and it takes a bit of time for me to approve it and for it to show up, I apologize for the delay.  Now that my netbook went south, my time on the "family" computer is limited at best.  When I get the chance, I sneak down to the shack and use my laptop - like I'm doing right now.

I received a catalog in the mail yesterday from a source I had never heard of before, Marlin P. Jones and Assoc. Inc.  It's almost like a Harbor Freight but for electronics stuff.  They have a Web presence:, so if you want to, you can check them out for yourselves.

The stuff in the catalog is interesting and the prices seem to be as reasonable as anywhere else.  They have a ton of things like magnifiers and building tools.  I could go through this catalog all day long and just plan purchases!  I am sure that if I had free reign, I would deplete my money supply quite handily.  It's just like Homer Simpson says, "Why do things have to cost money?"  There's a ton of stuff in this catalog that I would love to have.  Rummaging through this catalog also reminded me of my days as a teenager, when I would sit for hours eying up all the goodies available in the Edmund Scientific catalog.  What does that tell you about me?  Nope, no "Car & Driver" or "Motor Trend' for me.  I spent my teen years concentrating more on telescopes than hot rods.

We've had two straight days of rain here in Central NJ.  There was also another tornado watch issued for today; but fortunately, nothing came of it.  I thought the rain would cool things down; but it has been very muggy,  soggy and sauna like.  I am hoping that the weekend will bring good weather so that I can either lay more radials down for the HF9V or perhaps start construction of my 160 Meter vertical.

Today on QRP-L, I saw that George Heron N2APB, the lead behind the NJQRP club is introducing a new product called the SDR Cube which he describes as a "Stand alone SDR transceiver ..... no PC, portable, compact".  For a look you can go to his "Coming soon" site.

An interesting thing about looking at blog stats, before I turn in for the night ......   That post I made about the Ten Tec Eagle the other day, led me to an all time high for "hits" for a single day.  505 people came over and read that post!  I don't believe I've ever come anywhere near that mark before for a single day; and it sure as heck surprised me.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. That SDR Cube certainly looks interesting but it also looks as if it will be one for those who have got good eyesight left as it uses those danged tiny SMT parts.

  2. Good morning Larry, sure are lots of goodies at that site. I too received an electronics magazine the other day with just as many goodies in it. Have to win a lottery to get all I wanted.
