
Monday, October 18, 2010

Last minute thought

about the QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party this past weekend.

Due in large part, I guess, to yet another RTTY contest, 7.030 MHz became "home" to most, if not all of the QRP activity on 40 Meters this past weekend.  I heard and worked QRP contesters from about 7.027 MHz right on up to about 7.037 MHz or thereabouts.

So maybe the 7.040 MHz vs 7.030 MHz debate will simmer down for a bit?  I guess there will always be activity around 7.040 MHz for a while due to so many crystal controlled kits being centered around that frequency.  But when you have ear splitting RTTY signals occupying 7.038 MHz to about 7.050 MHz for an entire weekend, those built kits become pretty useless.

The next "fun" QRP event (as if they all aren't)?  Don't forget that annual Halloween ritual, the Zombie Shuffle.  This year's shuffle is scheduled to take place on Friday night, October 29th,  The Friday before Halloween.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Larry, When I noticed a RTTY contest then I know it will be impossible to work with CW QRP and JT65 because they will occupy the whole band. The only thing left: or joining them and see if I can work some stations, or turn off the set. (which I do most of the time when a contest is going on). 73 Paul
