
Monday, February 21, 2011

Make that two!

Thanks to reading John K3WWP's daily diary, I came to realize it was two new DXCC entities worked this weekend by yours truly.  I had forgotten that Curacao is now its own entity, so I had to add that one to the tally.  That makes my QRP DXCC now at 109, and that puts me over 140 in regular DXCC.  Still a long way to go before I even start coming close to the neighborhood of DXCC totals of several Ham friends that I admire.

I worked K6JSS/2 last night on 80 Meters.  Working them on the first night of operation - that's the fastest I've ever done that. And I am still very glad that the string is still unbroken.  Seems there was a little confusion as two K6JSS/2 stations were on 80 Meters at the same time last night.  I was able to work the only one I was able to hear.

Last night's Run for the Bacon was a lot of fun.  40 Meters have very little background noise (as compared to the other night when I worked K6JSS/7 and it was horrific!).  I worked about a dozen stations in all and even managed to work a DX piggie for once!  Bob N4BP operated from the Bahamas as C6AKQ, his DX contest call sign.  As usual, Bob was booming into NJ.  In fact, it's a rare day when Bob does not boom into NJ, whether he's in Florida or the Bahamas.  If I hear Bob on the bands, and he's less than 579 or so, then I know something is afoot with regards to solar weather.

As a treat, today is a day off from work for the President's Day holiday.  I have to drop Cara off at cheer practice in about an hour.  The first competition of the season is next Sunday.  Luckily this one is being held right in our own school.  In between chauffeuring chores, I will try to get on the air. I see the Flux is 105 and the Sun Spot number is 103.  Maybe I'll hear something interesting.

Also spending some time on the InterWeb doing some more research on possible wire antenna candidates.  I am spending a lot of time on the W4RNL site.  Also spending time looking at new vehicles.  Yes, after eleven years, the Explorer seems to be spending more time in the shop lately.  Instead of repair, repair, repair - both Marianne and I think it might be time to look for something new (or at least different, if not "new").  The prospect of car loan payments is not exciting, though.

The tease of Spring that we got last week is now just a fond memory.  Those killer winds that we had over the weekend ushered in a cold front which brought snow this morning.  Not much, just enough to cover the grass.  Not even enough to shovel.  I am sick and tired of looking at it, though!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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