
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thanks, guys!

Thanks, guys, for all the suggestions regarding Ham Radio Deluxe. You are the best!

I am using version 5, and for whatever reason the export option "ADIF+HRD" still wasn't moving over the data for "Custom Field 1".  So I took Andy K9CHP's suggestions and used them with a little twist.  Instead of using the backup function, I am just making a copy of the database file "HRD My Logbook" which is the .mdb file; and am copying that to Dropbox.  Then I simply copy that to the "HRD Logbook" file on each computer and all three agree!  And, the "Custom Field 1" data doesn't disappear.  This procedure of copying the main logbook database file and then just setting it in place using Windows Explorer isn't new to me. That's how I used to share data between computers back when I was using Log-EQF and then Win-EQF.  Back in those days, I used to keep the data on a 3.5 inch floppy.  We've come a long way in such a little time!

Since I am not that computer savvy, I had no idea that there was such a thing as Dropbox.  What a neat feature!  For those of you who are like me and don't know about it, let me explain.  You go to and you install the software on each of your computers and then you set up an account.  If you do not desire more than 2 GB worth of storage, it's free (that magic word, again!).  Then you place the files you want to share between your computers into the Dropbox folder.  When you go to any of your computers, and look in your Dropbox folder, that file will be there until you delete it or move it.  The same thing as using a USB memory stick; but without the hardware.  Really, really cool.

As far as the 40 Meter Foxhunt goes for tonight - I am afraid it's going to be a night de skunk.  Tom KV2X is way too close to me in NY state to be heard.  I'm not getting a read on Jim N0UR in Minnesota, either.  I am hearing stations from Cuba and France with NO problem whatsoever, though.  The band is way long tonight; and I doubt that I will be able to bag even one skin tonight, except perhaps for a skunk skin.

Looking forward to the weekend if I can get through one more day of work unscathed, with my hide intact.  Next weekend, guys, is the ARRL's International DX Contest - CW portion.  For those of you who are trying to finish up DXCC, this is a good opportunity.  A lot of points hungry DX stations will have their ears peeled - especially Sunday towards the latter phase of the contest.  This is primetime for QRP stations to be heard.  And that Monday following is the Presdent's Day holiday, so you get an extra day to rest up after a big weekend of playing radio.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Larry, never heard of dropbox and I sure am one of those guys who does it all with a usb mem stick. I checked out the video and am going to give the program a go. I will have to make sure I keep it below 2 gig's...:)
