
Sunday, May 08, 2011

QRP can't be beat!

Remember me telling you about my buddy who moved into the Senior's apartment?  How he and I were both kind of fearing that his Ham Radio days might not be over, but might be significantly curtailed?

Needless worries on both our parts, as it turns out - and that, my friends, is mighty good news!  For sure, his situation is not as ideal as when he was in his own house; but as I often say, "We have to make do with the cards we are dealt". So my heart gladdened when I received the following report in an e-mail the other day.

"I made 25 contacts yesterday and worked all the states in W7 land.  I still need Maine and Vermont to finish off W1 land and will be looking for those today.  So far, 20 states  and 13 countries worked from my "noisy" apartment, via QRP."

Proof positive that you should never, ever underestimate the power of QRP and the resourcefulness of an eager Ham who is willing to exploit it!  For where there's a will, there's a way and you only need a few Watts  to do it with.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP  - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hi Larry - that's a great post, I just hope it encourages others to drop their power ?!?!

    73 Peter

  2. If I ever get into a senior apartmen with limited space for antennas I would do the same. Just be on the radio and try. You don't need QRO. 73, Bas
