
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Drying out, possibly?

The sun came out for a while today, late this afternoon.  He's been hiding the last few days as Lee dumped on us.  Rivers and streams are swollen again, and the Raritan River has breached its banks once again.  Who knows, maybe we'll have a dry Winter?

Not much new on the radio front; but I see on some news flashes that the FBI has announced a "credible" threat from Al Queda to disrupt this coming weekend's 10th Anniversary of 9/11.  Seems some rental trucks are missing from the Kansas City area and somehow, some suspected terrorists made it into the country in August.  Seems they intend to launch a "vehicle borne bomb". 

Nice to see the intelligence gathering business seems to be working.

I know a lot of folks read this blog from all areas around the world.  There is a Ham of note in our area who could use your prayers, even though I'm sure most of you have never even heard of him.  Steve Mendelsohn W2ML, is battling pancreatic cancer.  Steve is so well known in our area, as a League official (one time ARRL Vice President), Division Director, and all around really, really nice guy.  I have met with him several times and I'll never forget, back in the 90s when the no-code license debate was raging - Steve came to a Piscataway Amateur Radio Club meeting and took the time to genuinely listen to my take on the idea.

Here's his story:

If you could keep him in your thoughts and prayers, that would be great.   If you could fire off a QSL with some encouraging words, that would be even greater.  As per QRZ, his address is:

Steve Mendelsohn W2ML
318 New Milford Avenue
Dumont, NJ  07628

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Larry, sad to hear about Steve, my thoughts and prayers are with him. 73 Paul
