
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holy Flea Power, Batman!

I turned on 17 Meters tonight, hoping to hear K6JSS/KL7 from Alaska on.  In all honesty, the band is quiet but once again, T32C is there loud as a bell.  In fact, the op was working simplex - not split, and he wasn't getting many takers at all.  15 - 20 CQs between callers?  You can tell this DXpedition is coming near an end.  I'm sure the team has to be ecstatic with the job they have done.

So, I decided to try something.  I cranked the power on down to 900 milliWatts and put out my call.  They came back to me first shot!

Just who is on this DXpedition anyway ..... Steve Austin with his bionic ears?  I figured I was going to give it a max of about three tries; AND if he came back with only a W2?? or a W2L??, I would not strain their ears any further with my somewhat selfish experiment.  But there it was, first try and full call.  That's over 6,000 miles per Watt.  And yes, all the credit goes to the wonderfully amazing ops at T32C.

BTW, equipment here was the K2 to the Butternut HF9V.

This QRP and radio stuff continues to delight me!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Congratulations Larry.

    I must concur the operators at T32C are superb CW operators. I have managed to work them on 30, 17 and 20M and the signals have been very weak at best. Yet, on most occasions it took only one call and they responded to my call. Unfortunately not with QRP, but considering the number of hops it would be stretching it a bit.

    I had a very memorable QSO with Steve VE7SL on CW he was using his homebrew “Longfeller” almost QRP rig running 8 watts.

    Congratulations Larry.
    I must concur the operators at T32C are superb CW operators. I have managed to work them on 30, 17 and 20M and the signals have been very weak at best. Yet, on most occasions it took only one call and they responded to my call. Unfortunately not with QRP, but considering the number of hops it would be stretching it a bit.
    I had a very memorable QSO with Steve VE7SL on CW he was using his homebrew “Longfeller” almost QRP rig running 8 watts.

    The magic of wireless…..

    73, Pierre ZS6A

  2. Good morning Larry, that is very impressive 6000 miles per watt is excellent. I am going to give T32C a good run for their money this weekend. I have been told they are out there and I plan on finding them.
