
Thursday, October 06, 2011


now belongs to an op in Massachusetts.  But in the greater Northeastern part of the US, K2ORS will always be Jean Shepherd.  (Sorry Warren, no offense intended).

Anyone who has watched the movie "A Christmas Story" ("You'll shoot your eye out, Kid") knows Jean Shepherd, as he was the creator of that story.  But to a lot of us "baby-boomers" we know Jean Shepherd from his nightly radio show on WOR in New York City.  Many of us would sneak a portable transistor radio under our pillows, so that we could listen to his hilarious stories about school, life in the military and his famous stories about fireworks and the 4th of July as he was growing up.

Every now and then, he would talk about being a Ham and his experiences as being a "kid" Ham growing up in Hammond, Indiana.  Here's one of them:

There was a Website that someone referred me to once, where I was able to listen to his story about the time lightning struck his antenna and all the havoc that caused (including moving out of a rental house in the middle fof the night!).  Hilarious.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hi Larry, I understand what you mean. I could obtain the call PA0PS but it belongs for many years to someone else. I don't know if the person died or just stopped the hobby, but is doesn't feel right to take this call sign. So I let it be. 73 Paul

  2. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Ah...The memories! Larry don't forget Shepard's Pie on WNET channel 13...I watched religiously!

    I used to listen with the transistor under the pillow also and often tune up the dial and listen to Larry Glick on WBZ Boston, While Larry wasn't a Ham he was just as entertaining as Jean Shepard. there was many a night I would finally Dawn on me (pun intended) it was time to sleep when I heard the clanking of the milk bottles as the milkman made his neighborhood rounds...Boy..those were the days!

    Think I am going to scour Ebay for a nice transistor radio and turn back the clock.

    Flick lives Larry...Flick lives!

    Jim WA2OQJ

  3. I too remember Jean on WOR...and his galloping theme music. I had both books...Wanda Hickey, and In God We Trust...

    I haven't listened to AM radio since he passed away.

  4. Wonderful Post!

    A great line is at the end of part 1, went on 40 meter CW and my fist even improved.
    Best 73's Jim W2KLM
