Sunday, February 12, 2012


Thanks to all of you here and on who were so kind as to express condolences and kind words upon our Sadie's passing.

This is going to take a while to get over - but life does go on.

So ...... on an Amateur Radio note, the bands did not seem to be active at all today.  For a few brief minutes this afternoon, I was able to get on and listen.  I heard and worked EI4AA on 12 Meters and was surprised by the fact.

Bernard was pretty weak hear - 569 or there abouts, maybe a little louder - 589 on QSB peaks, maybe?  As I called him, I thought to myself, "There's no way I am going to get an answer here."  But sure enough, I did and on my first call - and I received a 559 report for my efforts.  And I was very happy to receive that.  Then I went down to 20 Meters and worked a station in Texas who was working the SKCC Weekend Sprint.

After that, I had to QRT as my daughter Cara (holding Sadie above), who is a member of the children's choir at Church, was part of a free concert this afternoon.  The theme was "A Night on Broadway" and the children's choir, the adult choir, the hand bell and hand chime choirs all participated, performing various Broadway tunes. It was a very enjoyable two hour event.

Today was very windy and cold - winter has come back to New Jersey with a vengeance.  Yesterday, the forecast was for 1-3" of snow, but that forecast was a bust.  We barely got a dusting - and please don't misunderstand - I am in no way complaining!

As soon as it turns to 2/13 UTC, I am going to head downstairs to see if I can get a daily QSO or two in and then off to bed.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Good evening Larry, I too found the bands to be either full of RTTY contesting or WES CW contest. Funny thing I was setting up my K3 and N1MM logger for the up coming ARRL contest. I was testing the CW macros in the K3 test mode. When the K3 is in test mode there is not transmitting....but as I was testing I had someone come back to my call!!! I checked to see if there was any outgoing power and there was not. Funny eh.

  2. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Exceptional post! I wish i had the writing skills you had. Anyway, thanks for Iyour tough work, please keep it up.

  3. Hi Larry, I missed the posting about the loss of your pet. Sorry to hear that. Pets are very important companions for us, because of unconditional love. 73 Paul
