
Thursday, September 06, 2012


A tip o' the cap and a smart salute to NS8R for making me aware of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club.

If you're a US Armed Forces veteran and belong to the American Legion - please be sure to check it out.  It looks really, really nice.

Oh, and if you're a veteran and a Legion member or VFW member, or not a member of any organization at all - thanks for your service!

On another note, QRP DXing can be a mixed bag.  Some days, when the band conditions are right, it can be like shooting fish in a barrel. Other days, when the bands and the sun are not very cooperative, it can be akin to having a root canal.  But either way, it's fun. Hey, even trying for "the one that got away" is more fun than being at work!

But I really have to give credit to my brother and sister QRPers who go about it using SSB.  They have just that smidge more of patience and endurance than most of us. Sometimes, it seems like it just can't be done - but here's proof that it can.

Thanks, John K7HV for posting to YouTube.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Thank you Larry for the information about the American Legion Ham Radio Club. I had heard there was one forming but through your blog is the first time I have been able to find any information.

  2. Hi Larry! TU for posting the link to my QRP QSO with the N. Ireland station - be advised it was "only" a CW QSO, here is a link to a SSB QRP DX QSO
    As of today, I am 98/100 towards my goal of posting 100 QSOs with 100 entities on my "QRP Youtube DXCC" playlist, -about half or more are SSB.

    vy 72 de k7hv
