
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

From hurricane's might to snowy white

All in a week.  A pretty powerful Nor'Easter is visiting the same areas that Sandy just visited last week.  This time the temperatures are low enough that we are experiencing a heavy, wet snowfall.  By the time morning comes, the meteorologists have said we can expect anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of snow, depending upon location.

It started snowing pretty hard around here at around 4:00 PM and is still coming down.

Fortunately, our power is still on, but I am occasionally seeing those now familiar flashes in the sky, indicative  of power transformers experiencing a non-passive failure (i.e blowing up).  I sure hope the power stays on; but I am seeing via Facebook that parts of South Plainfield have returned to darkness.

I spoke with W2SH, Charles on 80 Meters this evening,  He is a fellow Foxhunter and QRPer who lives roughly 20 -25 miles from me.  Charles lives in a very rural area in Morris County and his property is pretty far from his street.  He experienced a few utility poles in his area collapsing, so he is still without power as not only the lines; but the poles need replacing too.  I gave him my telephone number and asked him to call me if he needs anything.  He told me that he and his wife are in good spirits, they still have gas, so they can cook and still have hot water and have a fireplace to keep the house from getting bitter cold.

Please keep in your prayers all the victims of Sandy who are experiencing another knock down punch this week.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Larry, stay safe.

    I have quite a few Ham friends who live in that area. I lost contact with a few of them, and it bothers me.

    About power outages: I always wondered why the USA sticks to power lines above ground. It only takes one falling tree..

  2. Good morning Larry, well it just does not want to seem to stop eh. From rain and floods to snow!! Again our thoughts and prayers are with you guys. The utility I work for has sent down 100 linemen and substation personnel to give a hand getting things back to the way they were.
