
Thursday, June 06, 2013

In a word

One word to describe the bands tonight - stinky! (I could have used a more colorful and apropos term, but I've sworn off swearing.)

Oh, I had my share of success. I worked St. Barthelemy again, but on 30 Meters this time, and I worked Morocco and Ecuador. But each was akin to pulling teeth.

These were not 599 QSOs, even though that's the default DX exchange, it seems. Signals were weak, warbly, and almost hazy and indistinct, for lack of a better description.

I saw on the DX Cluster that a fellow NJ QRPer, Chris KQ2RP managed to snare an Algerian, 7T9A on 17 Meters. I tried for a while, also, but I couldn't hear him well enough to be sure that he would be coming back to me.  And if you can't hear him well enough to know that he's answering you, then why even bother? I'd probably only get in the way of people who actually stood a chance, so I gave up the chase after a few tries.

Over the next 24 to 36 hours we're supposed to get around 3 inches of rain from this first tropical storm of 2013. Maybe as our terrestrial weather deteriorates, the solar weather will improve. Here's hoping, anyway!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Larry,

    I was playing cards this evening and missed the "window". It's going to be really tuff to work someone this evening.
