
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Almost done!

I have about 2/3rds of the 2013 Skeeter Hunt Soapbox comments Webpage composed.  Hopefully, I will finish tomorrow night and will then publish them (I'll post the link here, of course!).  Thanks to all who submitted soapbox comments and especially for all the photos.  I only wish I was a better Web artist, so that I could give them the layout they truly deserve. Once the soapbox comments are published, I will begin printing and mailing certificates.

It is being said that we are now at the peak of sunspot Cycle 24.  Several articles have pointed to that fact. We may, or we may be not.  I am not an astronomer/astrophysicist, so I wouldn't be able to tell you that from my own authority.

But I do know that 15 Meters has been good lately, and today's lunch time QRP session was decent again.

In my limited amount of operating time, I worked the following stations:


The first two contacts were pretty much your average "bang bang" DX QSO exchanges of RSTs. The last QSO with Roland DK3GI was a little bit more in depth.  Roland who lives near Nuremberg, was pushing 200 Watts to a beam.  I also found out that it was rainy and cool where he was - it was only 15C (59F). Typical Autumn type weather.

On the other hand, we're having a brief re-visit from Summer here in NJ. After some cool days and some downright chilly evenings the past few days, the heat and humidity have come back with a vengeance!  It was a sticky 85F (29C) here today, and it expected to go into the low 90s (32C) tomorrow.  But then clouds will come in Thursday and by the weekend, the temperature is supposed to struggle to reach 70F (21C) on Saturday and Sunday.

As Mark Twain once said this about the weather in New England:

"If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes."

The same holds true for New Jersey!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Good morning Larry, out this way summer has come back as well. There was a new record temp wise your yesterday. The temp's hit 46C with the humid-ex. Now that is a hot one but by the weekend it's to go back down to 15C.

  2. Yea, this weather is crazy hot! So sticky and muggy. These sure are not the normal September temperatures that I've been accustomed to over the last several years. Looking forward to the weekend weather!
