
Saturday, April 05, 2014

Disappointing so far

The QRP-ARCI Spring QSO Party is today and tomorrow. I've been on for a bit today and so far band conditions seem to be downright horrible.  It seems I have an S5 noise level on just about every band except for 10 Meters, and there's not much in the way of activity.  I've worked three stations so far, including EA2LU on 10 Meters. Jorge is very active in just about all the QRP-ARCI contests.

I sure hope conditions get better as the afternoon draws on and that activity increases.

BTW, Harry K7ZOV commented on the site that the PX3 is expected to ship late June or early July.  That's a lot quicker than I had expected.  My birthday is coming up in less than a month. Maybe I'll treat myself - or maybe not.  Still have to think about this for a while.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Good afternoon Larry, I agree Larry it sure is hard when a birthday comes up.....mine just went past and Julie asked me about a gift. I have not as of yet decided. The the PX3 came out and it is pricey for a birthday gift BUT if I sell my AT-200 ATU, MFJ1026 and the 4SQRP ORPometer in a cool case then maybe the PX3 could be a reality.

  2. I love Elecraft as much as anyone, but if they say June or July, expect it around Thanksgiving or Christmas. :-)
