
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

17 Meters was decent

I managed to hobble out to my car at lunch time today.  The weather was decent, but my right foot isn't. Seems I aggravated the same tendons and ligaments that I had a few years ago - so now I'm wearing "the boot" for the next week or so. Sigh.

Anyway, after the past couple of days of torrential rain, the skies were blue and sunny today.  The temperatures were downright pleasant and 17 Meters seemed to be hopping.

I worked CT8/DL5NUA, CR5W, and J79BH. So - I reached the Azores, Portugal and Dominica - not terrible.

In other news, we have 118 Skeeters signed up for the Hunt on August 10th. Still plenty of time to sign up. We could use more participation from the West Coast states - HINT, HINT, HINT!

I also attended a meeting of SPARC, the South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club.  We reviewed our Field Day effort and claimed score before officially sending our entry off to the ARRL. We also started making some basic plan changes for next year.  It's so nice to know that my fellow club members had a good enough time with a QRP Field Day that they want to do it again next year!

By the way, if you want to read the local newspaper's account of our Field Day - here's the link:  I think they did a very good job, even though they did get some of the details wrong (like our callsign, for example). But on the whole it was an excellent article which put Amateur Radio in a very positive light.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. The 17 meter band is an amazing band for DX'ers! Some of my very best contacts have been on this band.

    Sorry to hear about the foot. I went through a bout of the same thing a few years ago. Sometimes there's not enough aspirin in the world. Hihi
