
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Every Ham's favorite? He is mine!

Gil Gildersleeve, W1CJD - the cartoonist whose work appeared for so many years in QST. When I was a young spud, it was Gil's cartoons that always caught my eye in the ARRL's license manuals and QST. They made me chuckle, they made me want to be a Ham. Gill Gildersleeve's cartoons were part and parcel of Amateur Radio to me!

So it was nice to see N2EST, Jim Massara post a new article about Gil on Facebook (for those Hams who avoid Facebook, calling it a waste ......... we'll go into THAT some other time!). You can read Jim's interesting article here.

While there will never be another Gil, it's comforting to know that we have excellent talent in our ranks, still today. Jim N2EST, and Jeff K1NSS are without a doubt, our generation's premier Amateur Radio illustrators. We're lucky to have them.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. WB5AGF5:52 AM

    Phil Gildersleeve (W1CJD) - what a guy. I was a teenager during the 1960s and during those years had sporadic access to QSTs going back to the 1950s. I was quickly drawn to Gil's cartoons and they have stayed in my memory. It makes me a bit sad to realize that his work is not well known to the more recent crop of radio amateurs. (On a similar note ... I was recently surprised to find that some 20-ish year-olds didn't know who the Marx Brothers were.) (signed - Paul, WB5AGF; Garland, Tx)
