
Friday, September 18, 2015

Going retro

Thanks to Bob W3BBO, I have a line on acquiring a Drake 2-NT, which was my Novice transmitter.

Last weekend, Bob and a friend went to a meeting of the Lake Erie Boatanchors, and spotted one.  He knows I have been looking to get my hands on one, so he got the owner's contact information. We have been corresponding back and forth and it looks like I may purchase it soon.
The next question will be - what to use as a receiver?  As mentioned before, I had a Heathkit HR-1680, but the prices I have been seeing on used ones are a bit more than I would like to spend.
Any suggestions for a decent Novice receiver of the 60s or 70s that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg?
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Well, if an HR-1680 is too expensive to go with your Drake 2-NT, then any Drake receivers from that era would certainly be right out.

    An SB-303 or SB-301 might be more obtainable. The SB-301 was half of my novice rig. (SB-401 was the other half) It should go pretty well with the 2-NT.
