
Monday, October 12, 2015

Can you hear me now?

If you've never spoken with someone from New Jersey now's your chance to hear what we sound like.... nasal, New Jersey accent (dawg, cawfee) and all. We don't sound like what you've heard on "The Sopranos" - really.

A couple of weeks after the Skeeter Hunt, I had the delightful opportunity to sit down with Eric Guth 4Z1UG, author and producer of the "QSO Today" series of podcasts. We had a very pleasant conversation, which I enjoyed immensely. Eric deemed it worthwhile enough to turn into a podcast which you can find it at

This is a fantastic site. Since our QSO, I have spent many hours listening to Hams of note, such as Pete Julian N6QW, Chuck Adams K7QO, Budd Drummond W3FF, Steve Galchutt WG0AT, and others. There are a lot more.

How I was selected to join this group, I'll never know. But I can tell you that I look forward to each new episode that Eric comes out with. Eric's guests span the wide spectrum of Amateur Radio interests. If there's something about Amateur Radio that intrigues you, odds are Eric has spoken with someone about it, or will be, in the near future.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hello Larry. The podcast was very good. How can one become a member of the NJQRP club that you spoke of?

  2. Speaking of Skeeter Hunt, I was pleased and honored to get my certificate! Thanks for sending it.


    Lloyd, KC5FM

  3. Larry, great interview on QSO Today! I really enjoyed it and it's the first time I've heard your voice. Your voice and comments brought back fond memories of New Jersey and my ham radio life there. Your enthusiasm for QRP operating and ham radio in general is invigorating. Keep up the great work. See you on the bands!

