
Sunday, June 09, 2019

The Cookie Crumbled

I did my best to participate in the Cookie Crumble contest today. The only thing that I can say is that the Cookie was way past crumbling, it was darn near obliterated!

This wasn't due to anything wrong done by Emily WC3R or Tim W3ATB - they did everything right. The organization and prep work they do is outstanding. The Sun and the Propagation Princess just went on holiday, is all.

Technically, the contest is still going on for another hour, but I wrapped the station up. I was set up on the backyard patio table with the Jackite supporting the PAR ENDFEDZ. I made one contact in four hours and that was with Kevin KE3V in Erie, PA on 40 Meters. It was a tough go with an RST of 339 both ways - not good at all.

20 Meters yielded nothing. I heard some SKCC WES stations on the air, but even they were very weak and were hard copy. Someone needs to find out who it is, exactly, that is supplying the Sun with acne meds. We need sunspots!

I sure hope solar weather improves a bit for FOBB and the Skeeter Hunt.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Larry,

    Many thanks for hanging in there. I only had two Qs the entire time I operated. The conditions were beyond dismal. Perhaps next year we'll have far better conditions!

    Tim W3ATB
