
Monday, November 29, 2021


Sorry to say that I did not partake in the big contest this past weekend.  After cooking the big Thanksgiving meal on Thursday for family that came over, I was just a bit tired. Instead, I got the last of the leaves raked and bagged. I also got the outdoor and indoor Christmas decorating done and in between that, there were a lot of naps.

It was cold over the weekend and we got our first dusting of snow for the season Saturday night into Sunday. No contest next weekend, but maybe I'll get to chase some POTA stations.

My friend Bob W3BBO was able to get on the air this weekend and worked some DX. He moved in with his daughter this past year and is currently using a GADS antenna. It seems to be working well for him and that makes me happy. 

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Good afternoon Larry, yes for sure Thanksgiving prep can be in itself very tiring. Adding yard work and Christmas decorations would definitely put things over the top. We had our Thanksgiving up this way in October and like you we hosted a dinner and just doing the dinner was load.
    Rest up Larry,

  2. Hello Larry, I guess everyone enjoyed you thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving is unknown to us here but I know about it. I also spend time with my family which is most important. 73, Bas

  3. Hi Larry, as I say very often: family comes first. The times I spend radio the whole weekend are gone. Stay safe, 73 Paul
