
Friday, February 02, 2024

FYBO is tomorrow

Tomorrow is the first Saturday in February, so that means it's FYBO time! I hope to participate for a little bit - not sure if I'll be outdoors or not.  Maybe I can squeeze in a POTA activation at the same time? The Washington-Rochambeau Trail K-4582 is only a stone's throw away from my house.

For the rest of the weekend:


FYBO Winter QRP Sprint -

Vermont QSO Party -

Minnesota QSO Party -

10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB - There is a QRP category.

British Columbia QSO Party -

North American Sprint, CW -

AGCW Straight Key Party -

European Union DX Contest -

And Monday evening in the USA - ARS Spartan Sprint -

Special Events:

None scheduled for this weekend.

A word about the 80 Meter Fox Hunt last night. The two Foxes up were Earl N8SS in MI and John K4BAI in GA.  I found Earl rather easily in the lower half of the woods, but it took me 34 minutes before I was able to nab him. It looks like he was able to hand out roughly 65 pelts if I counted the number of calls in his e-mail correctly.

John K4BAI was late, as he was delayed in getting home from a court case that he was presiding over. He never got started until about the half way mark of the Hunt. Still he reported handing out 48 pelts in 45 minutes (including me).

That's what separates me from these guys. John was able to hand out the same number of pelts that I handed out last week in half the time! That's the difference between these "World Class" Hams and me "Joe meat & potato" Ham. I doubt I'll submit an application for the 2024-2025 Season. These guys have it and I don't - and as Sgt. Joe Friday would say, "That's just the facts, Ma'am!" I can see clearly now why I kept getting appointed as an alternate.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send he very least!

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