
Monday, March 04, 2024

A good HF day

Yesterday was a good radio day. Not only was it a good radio day, but it was a good day weather-wise, as well. It got up to 68F (20C) in the afternoon, making the basement shack a lot warmer as well, where it was 62F (16C). Still not ideal, but a lot more comfortable than it has been and I was in no hurry to leave for warm-up breaks. I still have to get a space heater for down there. I'm sure there's still lots of cold weather left before Ol' Man Winter sings his swan song.

But I digress. 10 Meters was hopping and I worked a Polish POTA station, a SOTA station in England and Alex RK3ER, whom I have made contact with several times before. He was BOOMING in at 599 +++++, easily the loudest signal on the band.

I worked a bunch of POTA stations on both 10, 15 and 20 Meters. Even with the SSB DX Contest going on, the CW bands were quite populated and humming. It was nice to hear. An added treat was to work some fellow QRP'ers and Skeeter Hunt stalwarts this weekend, Craig WB3GCK at K-4363 Norristown Farm State Park in PA, Eric WD8RIF at K-1994 Strouds Run State Park in OH, Paul AA4XX at Mayo State Game Land in NC, and John N0EVH at K-11042 Kahrs-Boger State Conservation Area in MO. I always go out of my way to fatten up a fellow Skeeter's log if I hear them performing an activation.

Later, at 0000 UTC, I checked into the St. Maximilian Kolbe Net to cap off the day. Thankfully, the KXPA100 was in tip top shape and I was able to boost the power to 85 Watts for that. I shared something with the guys that I had never heard of before.

Of course we all know there are plenty of OTAs on the air - JOTA, POTA, SOTA, IOTA and so on and so forth. Did you know there's also a  CHOTA? There is and it stands for Churches and Chapels On The Air. It originated in England, but has "jumped the Pond" in recent years, with some American churches joining in. Here's a link to an article I saw on -

Unlike the other OTAs, CHOTA is a one day event and this year it will be held on Saturday, September 14th. It might be a good way to get some family friendly media attention for Amateur Radio. I'm thinking I might bring this up at the next SPARC meeting. Maybe we can put a church in town on the air. I know my Church, Sacred Heart, has a HUGE parking lot and maybe we can draw some attention to Amateur Radio during the day and before the 5:00 PM Mass - that is if I can get our Pastor to sign off on the idea.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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