
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A question was asked.

I received an e-mail with a question from a reader. "Why don't you do videos like so many others seem to be doing?"

I have delved into making a few videos in the past. Unlike the really good videos you find on YouTube, mine have been done with my phone. To make a video properly, and one that is worth watching and is actually enjoyable to watch, you need more equipment than I can muster. One or more cameras of decent quality are required, a decent tripod, and good editing software and a decent computer to run it all on. The most important ingredient, though, is time.

Between work, home responsibilities and some other commitments that I have, I barely find enough time to get on the air and play radio! Making videos at this point would just eat up precious time that I do not have right now. I am hoping, hoping, hoping to retire next May on the occasion of my 68th birthday. If I can do that, maybe I can begin to think about creating a video or two.

However, maybe this weekend during FOBB, I will take some footage with my phone and cobble something together with the free editing software that I have on my laptop to see if I can make something worth watching. It will be rudimentary at best. And believe me, if I think it turns out like a piece of .........., I will not irritate your eyes and ears with something terrible.

In the meantime, W2LJ will just keep on plain ol' vanilla blogging.

The extended weather out look for South Plainfield. Looks like Sunday may be the beginning of yet another heatwave. I hope that personal neck fan arrives in time!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. There are HAMs that blog and there are HAMs that make videos. Some of them even do both. It's just what you like I guess. I'm more a writing and reading kind of HAM. Don't watch much of those videos, I get bored to soon and too often watching them. However I have to mentioned that I can read quite fast. Reading a blog costs me only a minute, or sometimes 2 minutes, depending on the article of course. It gives me more time to actually be on the radio. 73, Bas

  2. Rick N8TGQ5:12 AM

    Your blog is one of the few I enjoy and read regularly. Video would just make you " one of the crowd". The reason I do QRP CW is the simplicity and ease of operation with minimal equipment. That's the reasons I follow you and WB3GCK.

    Don't change a thing!

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thank you... I don't have time to view all the videos out there with what appears to be good content. I can consume information much time-efficiently with print.

  4. Be yourself Larry. You don't have to be like all the rest of the "influencers" (blue striped hair and black fingernail polish - ooops another kind of influencer). Do as you have been. It's faster for us to read than to watch and we'll all have more time for on-the-air. 72
