
Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Some refinements needed

Regarding the new mast holder.

Since the Jackite mast is kind of free floating within the PVC, this version is not quite as stable as the older one, but it is more convenient to use. It folds flatter and I need not mess with wingnuts anymore. With the old version, the Jackite was secured directly to the vertical board and acted as its own stabilizer.  The problem is that I keep this in the trunk and on the old version, the wingnuts would vibrate loose over time and get lost - probably went to the same place that socks missing from the clothes dryer end up.  I had to replace them several times and that was a pain in the keister.

With this version,  I'm not satisfied that the mast leans in towards the vehicle. So I ordered two lid hinges from Amazon. That will allow me to unfold and lock the vertical board at a proper 90 degree angle, while still allowing me to re-fold it back flat again.. Convenience always comes with a cost, I guess. Other than that, it termed out pretty well, and I'm satisfied with it ......or rather I will be satisfied with it once I attach the hinges.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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