
Monday, November 25, 2024

Goofing around a little more

and being reminded of something very important.

Marianne, my wife, is a dialysis nurse. Since this is Thanksgiving week, they move the patients up a day, so the Thursday patients don't miss a day, without causing undue overcrowding on the day after. So she had to work both days this weekend, and that left Joseph and me to get the house ready for guests on Thanksgiving day.

However, in between chores and errands, i did manage to find some minutes to get on the air in the big contest this past weekend. Not to compete in any sense of the word, but more like the post title insists - just goofing around a little bit.

Between two sessions, one on Saturday and one yesterday, I made 28 contacts. Woo Hoo! The "Big Guns" probably made more than that in their first half hour of the contest. No big deal by any means, but still it was a very important reminder to myself.

And that reminder, that lesson is ......... don't listen to the world.

The world will tell you that QRP doesn't work The world will tell you that to work DX you need a Yagi and a 50 foot tower and a kilowatt. The world will tell you that simple wire antennas and verticals are useless for anything other than local QSOs. The world will tell you that "Life is too short for QRP." The world will tell you "the other station" does all the heavy lifting, and that your skill and persistence count for nothing. The world will tell you that low power equals weak signals.

Don't listen to the world. The world lies.

And sometimes, even I need to be reminded of that.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I've been QRP in nearly every Field Day for the past 20 years or so...

    Yes, it's a little more challenging to operate QRP. You must learn to time your call so you don't get buried by the QRO guys. You may achieve a lower "QSOs per hour" rate than other people. But guess what? You improve your skills of sending, of hearing, of focus. And the results aren't THAT much worse or slower.

    And you can put your entire station in a tackle box or an ammo can. It can go anywhere.

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Sorry, didn't know I would be anonymous. The above comment is by NC4RT. 72 LJ!
