
Tuesday, December 10, 2024


The two stars of tonight's 40 Meter QRP Fox Hunt are John AJ1DM in Rhode Island and Steve WD4CFN in Tennessee. Based on the people I've been able to hear on 40 Meter SSB on the St. Max Net, I'm thinking I should be able to hear Steve, but John may be a challenge. I think it's more likely that I'd have a better shot of working Rhode Island on 80 Meters.

My own 40 Meter Fox experience from November 13th bears this out. I worked Steve WD4CFN, but no Hounds from the New England states at all.

The HF9V's "renovations" continue to impress me. In fact, the pelts that I was able to grab last week were all gotten through the HF9V. The way I have it tuned is that it really likes the CW portions of the band. I tried using it in the SSB portion of 40 Meters on Sunday for the St. Max Net and it was not happy. I had to resort to the EFRW, which was not a problem.

It will be interesting to see how my prediction turns out - if I'm able to stay awake long enough.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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