
Thursday, December 05, 2024

Well, actually ......

My son Joseph asked me the other day, "What do you want for Christmas, any Amateur Radio stuff?"

I responded in the negative, because off the top of my head, I couldn't think of anything. But actually ....

I've been wanting one of these for a few years now. But there's no way this side of Heaven that I'm going to ask a member or members of my family to spend $200 + on me for an antenna analyzer. And I can mention this here because I don't think any of them even know that this blog exists. It's just another one of "Dad's radio things".

I have a nano VNA, but it's not as convenient to use as a RigExpert. Dave KD2FSI has one and has brought it to Field Day and other SPARC events, so I've seen how easy and convenient it is to use.

I have a bug or two sitting on the shelf that are pretty much just "collectibles". Maybe I'll put them up for auction on eBay to drum up some cash for a RigExpert. It would be so nice to have for setting up portable vertical antennas.

Instead, I set up a wish list on Amazon where they can find some things like long sleeved T-shirts, and shoes, and a few books and little stuff like that. I feel bad about asking for expensive things, although at the same time, if one of them wanted something pricey, I'd have not a second thought about purchasing it for them. Weird, huh?

How about you? Are you asking Santa for any Ham Radio or even Ham Radio related stuff this year? Maybe a new rig, or kit or a related item like a new computer for logging or something?  You can always mention it in the comments and then e-mail the link to your family and friends as a "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" kind of wish list hint!

On a different topic, tonight we have a South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club meeting. It's the first one in a couple of moths that will be hybrid - in person AND Zoom. We have a few guests who have contacted me through the e-mail address. One is an 11 year old and his Dad. The son is interested in Amateur Radio and getting licensed. I'm hoping we can set him on the right path tonight, and show him the hobby in a positive and inspiring light.

The other thing that's happening is the election of officers for next year. I've been nominated for President, and I don't think anyone else is willing to take on the job, so it will probably be one of those "1 vote casted by the Secretary" kind of deals. Lord help me! Like I don't have enough on my plate!

Depending on what time the meeting ends tonight, it might preclude me from participating in the 80 Meter Fox Hunt tonight. As if I haven't learned by now, but am going to say anyway - Earl N8SS in MI should be relatively easy to work, while Brian K0DTJ in CA will probably be downright difficult, if not impossible.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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