Friday, January 24, 2025


 Well, the news from the echo cardiogram wasn't the greatest. Going in for a cardiac catheterization on Tuesday, February 4th. I'm on 4 different meds for the time being and suddenly feel really, really old.

Boy, this is a far cry from the days on my 20's when I would cycle around 100 miles a week and had a resting pulse of about 60 BPM. 

So I haven't been much in the mood for radio. And I should add, not only because of this heart thing, but also because of the cold and the basement being an uncomfortable space. This weekend we're supposed to go above the freezing mark for the first time in a long time, so maybe I'll get the chance to get on the air.

This weekend is Winter Field Day, but more importantly, NEXT weekend is FYBO - Freeze Your Buns Off - the classic kickoff to the outdoor QRP Season for 2025.

The rules haven't changed much over the years.

This year FYBO takes place on February 1st. 

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least


  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Larry. By the way, I have the same situation in my basement shack. It's been too cold to spend much time down there. Take care. 72, Craig WB3GCK

  2. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Keep your chin up. My YL has had a defibrillator for years, as has my brother. There are meds that help.
