
Thursday, September 21, 2006

80 is coming back !!!!

I love the spring and summer. I disdain the fall and winter. I love the longer days and the warm temperatures. I dislike the dark and I only grudgingly endure the cold. I especially dislike snow. When I was a kid, snow was fun - as an adult it only means more work!

Saturday is the first day of Autumn and usually about this time of year, I get a little maudlin. The one bright side (besides looking forward to playoff baseball!) is that 80 Meters is making its annual revival.

Last evening, during the NAQCC monthly sprint, 80 meters just beat out 40 meters as my "workhorse" band for the night. Signals were good and QRN was stil so-so; but nowhere near as bad as it is during the summer. 80 meters is on the comeback trail and that makes me a happy camper! The bulk of QSOs that I will have at night over the next 5 or 6 months will primarily be on 80 Meters.

The G5RV works exceptionally well for me on 80 Meters and the KAT2 gives me a 1.1 to 1 match. Can't ask for more than that! I am looking forward to another season of foxhunts on 80 Meters. This is a band where I rarely, if ever, fail to find a QSO. If there's nothing going on near the QRP or FISTS frequencies, then there's always folks hanging out near the SKCC frequencies. I'm rubbing my hands together in happy anticipation.

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Larry: Me too! I have a new antenna for 80 and 40, a loop, and I am looking forward to 80 meters in the am and pm. Hope to hear you there.

    73, Ned, W8VFM
