
Monday, October 23, 2006

Where'd everybody go?

I went down to the basement, after tucking in my kids for the night, to fire up the K2 and enjoy some Amateur Radio fellowship.

Nothing there! And I mean nothing!

I must have called CQ on 40 and then 80 Meters for over an hour. Tuning up and down both bands revealed precious little in the way of signals. I looked at the solar conditions on the Web and found no evidence of any disturbances or storms.

If this keeps up; and we don't get more guys on the air on a regular basis; then it won't be any real big surprise when our bands finally get taken away for good.

Use 'em or lose 'em, guys!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Sunspots my man, sunspots. Sunday night the low bands were BOOMING - last night, I could not hear a thing, even looking at the DX-cluster.

    Just think you happened to hit on a bad night

    73 de KG2V
