
Friday, December 28, 2007

SKN and Resolutions

Monday is New Year's Eve. That means Monday night at 7:00 PM EDT is the start of Straight Key Night. This event will hopefully be my launching pad to more operating time in 2008.

My new job, which I began last April really has sucked away a lot of my operating time. The job is a lot more involved than my old one; and as a result, I come home a lot more tired than I used to. I let this allow me to get into the nasty habit of not getting on the air.

I hereby resolve to turn this around in 2008, beginning with SKN. I'm not foolish enough to resolve to MOCAD (make one contact a day). I know that there will be days when I'm simply too exhausted to get on the air. But I am going to do my best to get on at least 5 times a week. minimum.

So that means more involvement in QRP contesting like I used to do; and a lot more ragchewing as well. I need to use Ham Radio as a vehicle towards relaxation and a distraction form the ordinary worries of the day. It's a good prescription!

In turn, that will also hopefully mean way more Ham Radio blogging in 2008, also! And with the sunspot situation slowly turning around, maybe more DXing, too! I have three goals that I would like to finish in 2008:

1) Finish QRP DXCC - I've been stuck at 69 countries for a long while now.

2) Finally earn SKCC Centurion status. I only need about 25 or so more QSOs with SKCC members. This will not only get me to Centurion; but it will earn the SKCC QRP award, too!

3) Finally work Alaska! That's the last state I need for QRP Worked All States.

73 de Larry W2LJ

Happy New Year and hope to work YOU on the air in 2008!

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