
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Picture of the Day

The link to this photo was posted on the Straight Key Century Club e-mail reflector today.

I gotta admit, for years as a kid, I studied the Baltimore Catechism at Saint Mary's School. Never once did they mention that single side band was a sin! But I guess Father Lynch either knows something that I don't; or he's one very dedicated CW op!

I guess it must be my Catholic instincts then, that keep my fingers on the Vibroplex bug and off the microphone (don't even own one at this point!).

A bit of good news from Bob W3BBO in an e-mail tonight. He was checking out the TX5C Website as he worked them on 20 Meters yesterday afternoon; and he saw that my callsign finally made it into the online log. I have to admit, I was sweating this one out. I worked them on Monday and didn't see my callsign posted as late as this morning. Then on one of the e-mail reflectors, I read about someone who claims there are "pirates" out there who are using the TX5C callsign. I figured that's more in line with my luck! But no, in the end, it turns out that my QRP signal was indeed pulled out of the aether by the spectacular group of ops out on the atoll.

But a word of warning ..... you only have (literally) hours left to work them! The DXpedition was supposed to QRT on Monday; but due to weather and surf condition concerns, they are going to pull the big plug at dawn on Saturday (Clipperton local time).

Go get 'em & good luck!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. ah assim está bem... actualizado...
