
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A very good night!

It was a very good night at station W2LJ !!!

I worked BOTH Foxes in the last 80 Meter QRP Foxhunt for the 2007-2008 Winter season. Tom KV2X who is in NY State and should have been the easier of the two Foxes was actually very difficult to hear because of QRM from a Straight Key Century Club station calling "CQ SKS" on the frequency.

What was especially maddening about that was that I was listening to Tom for 10 to 15 minutes when this idiot starts calling CQ on the frequency, out of the blue, without so much as the decency of a "QRL?" And to make matter worse, was that the offending station was also from NY State. No way he could have not heard Tom on the frequency before he started sending in the blind.

After I bagged Tom, I worked Jim NĂ˜UR in Minnesota without any trouble whatsoever. I think this was my only "twofer" night of the whole entire season!

Then, the local QRN on 40 Meters disappeared long enough for me to work the 5T5DC Dxpedition to Mauritania. I managed to bust the pileup with 5 Watts to the G5RV! Fantastic ears that those German ops have! DXCC Entity #82 via QRP CW is now in the books!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Nice work busting the 5T5 pile-up with 5-watts! Looks like propagation is picking up and the fun is underway. All the best.

    73, Scot KA3DRR
