
Saturday, March 01, 2008


Here's a couple more titles of interesting Ham Radio videos that I've come across via Google and YouTube. I would recommend going to the Google page, click on the "videos" link and enter these titles:

Big Da-Dit-Da Class Graduated

This is a short WWII newsreel showing how the Navy taught Morse Code - interesting to see that right of the bat, the Code interceptors were taught to use a mill.

Morse Code in China

Non-english; but no speaking other than dits and dahs, either. I guess this was a movie made in China after WWII to show how the brave, heroic Chinese underground worked to help defeat the Japanese.

Eleanor Powell - Tap Dancing Morse Code.

This one is really neat. Eleanor Powell plays a spy, I guess, who is also a dancer at a supper club. She sees she is being pursued, so she "taps" out a vital message to an ally in the audience - using tap dance!

History of Radio - Haunted Saloon

Hokey and corny - but fun.

Keelser 1965 Class Pictures

Another news reel type, this time regarding the training of Army Morse Code interceptors.

And there are a whole bunch of neat QRP related videos - just type in "QRP" as your search word. Here are two good ones in particular:

W0VLZ - QRP Operations Using a K1

Operating QRP from Waldshut, Germany

Needless to say, it helps to have a broadband connection. I viewed these during my lunchbreak at work. Trying to do this from my dial-up connection here at home would have made them less enjoyable.

Happy viewing!

73 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Wow, I looked up the U-tube video of Keesler Air Force Base. You had a small typo in it's name. The base is Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi. I was there in 1958 when it was still AACS. Started out in intercept but couldn't get the required code speed of, I think, 21 wpm in the short time allowed. So washed into ground radio op school where the code speed required was, if I remember correctly, 16 wpm. I think a lot of the guys washed out just from the fatigue of getting up at 4 AM to march across the flight deck to class. That plus the other duties did not leave many of us alert enough to learn something as demanding as high-speed morse code. I think we slept about 5 hours maximum back then. Wasn't enough for an 18 year old, which I was.

    Thanks for putting on your site. I dropped it in my "favorites"

    73 de QRP operator

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I mean't to add that I hope by the time that class graduated, well into to '60's, the base commander and others in the officer corps had become enlightened enouth to allow more sleep time for the new students. Especially those who had never heard morse before.

    One thing about getting cw down at some level of was a great incentive. Otherwise it would have been a 4-year hitch on permanent KP...or worse

    I won't go into the amateur radio thing about eliminating the cw requirement because some folks just couldn't get it in spite of years and years of trying.

    The thought of permanent KP sure inspired us.

