
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Website of the Week

I'm going to try something new here on W2LJ's Blog. Starting tonight, and hopefully once a week, I am going to point you towards a Website or Blog that has caught my attention; or perhaps, is one of my favorites. I realize that sometimes our interests will not coincide; but hopefully, you will also enjoy these various Websites.

This week, I am pleased to direct you to W1PID's Homepage. W1PID is Jim Cluett out of Sanborton, NH; and I've mentioned him here before. Jim is a regular in the QRP Sprints and we've chewed the rag on the air several times. In addition to just being "good people", Jim is also an avid outdoorsman. He blends his two avocations together by often taking one of his small portable QRP rigs with him when he goes out on hikes with his dog, Meghan.

Very often, Jim takes photos during his exploits; and he posts summaries of his trips on his Website. Jim is a good writer; and his infectious enthusiasm for Amateur Radio shines through in all his essays.

When you get a chance, take a mosey on over there and take a gander. The link appears up above. I guarantee that after reading a few of his exploits, that you'll be looking for a knapsack and your small battery operated QRP rig and a hunk o' wire!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hello Larry,
    Could help but to explore the site of W1PID. Gosh, had to chuckle with the photo of 20M in the boat. Guess it supports the idea you can do this hobby literally anywhere.

    Good selection for the site of the day. Looking forward to Next weeks suggestion.

    Burt - N9VBI
