
Sunday, May 10, 2009

If I Had a Million Dollars .....

or won the lottery ..... what would I make sure to treat myself to, Amateur Radio wise? That's a game that Bob W3BBO and I were playing the other week. I guess my list would be:

1) A brand new K3. This would top the list. I love my K2, make no mistake about it, but if a hunk of money suddenly plopped into my bank account, I would love to have a K3. It would be the QRP version, of course.

2) A Kenwood TH-F6A handheld. I could use a 144/220/440 MHz HT for my involvement with CERT.

3) New computers for the house. A new desktop up here and a new laptop for the shack; and I would like to set the house up with a wireless router so I could access the Internet without having to be tied to a hardwire connection.

4) A Bencher Mercury key. While an original N2DAN would be ideal, they're scarce as Hen's teeth. I've been told the Bencher is an adequate replica.

And I guess that would be about it. No, no tower or beam - I'm a wire kind of guy. Maybe one of those Force 12 verticals might be nice to play with; but I'm quite happy with my Butternut HF9V and my G5RV and my end fed Zepp.

The results of the last poll concerning logging surprised me. Paper and pencil lead the way (no pun intended) with a whopping 46% or 12 votes. AC Log and N1MM both got 4 votes each; while Log/Win-EQF got 2 votes. "Other" received 6 votes.

I didn't think there was that much paper logging still going on. I sure was wrong.

73 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Your list sure leaves a lot of money left over!

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Better save it. By the time your little girl is of college age, it will cover one year at university.

  3. I already have the K3 and the TH-F7E (EU version of the '6A). I'd spend the million on property large enough to put antennas up high, in the clear and away from neighbourly complaints and electrical interference.
