
Friday, May 15, 2009

Productive day after all

I managed to get a bunch of things done around the house even if they were light chores. Yesterday, I was told no strenuous chores or anything like house cleaning or lawn mowing until Sunday at least. So today was a Ham day for the most part.

I got my WAS QRP CW application filled out. I still have to get it mailed to ARRL; and will probably do that tomorrow. Also I got country #92 worked on 20 Meters this evening. Way down at the band edge, OX3XR, Peter from Greenland was working split "up". I got him on my second try.

If the sunspots keep perking up; maybe I'll be filing for DXCC QRP this year, too. Only eight more to go!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am amazed anyone can work all 50 states with 5 watts. I would like to know more about your equipment and any operating tips you could share. Thanks, WB0OEW.
