
Monday, September 07, 2009

Buddistick / Buddipole holders

Jamie KL7WP asked me to describe the homebrew holders that I have made for my Buddistick and my Buddipole (when I used to have one).

I have two versions; and both are quite simple to make. The first, which I have pictures of, is to be used where there is soil, like in the middle of a field, or a park where there are no picnic or other tables. It is nothing more than some PVC pipe fastened to a piece of angle iron using hose clamps.

As you can see, it's nothing fancy or elaborate. I cut the angle iron at an angle (say THAT three times fast!) at the business end in order to make a pointy tip so that it would be easier to pound into the ground. The picture above shows it laying on the patio table, to give you an idea of how easy it was to put together. I believe I used 1.5" PVC pipe. Home Depot had some 2.5' long scrap pieces and I was able to buy one.

This picture shows it pounded into the ground. When the soil is damp, that's a pretty easy task. When the soil is dry; it's a bit tougher, but a hammer does the trick. The next photo shows the setup as it looked with my homebrewed Buddipole, which I have since cannibalized as I have used the whips for other projects. (I'm going to have to build another as it worked well for me). Although in the picture it is not extended, this painter's pole extends to 12'. Anything higher than that would probably require some guying in addition to the bottom support. I haven't had a mast fall over yet, using this holder (knock wood!).

The other version, which I have made (but don't have pictures for anymore - I think I accidentally deleted them) is for use when there is no soil. This one comes in handy when you find yourself in a parking lot type of situation. This one is simple to make also; and I will do my best to describe it. You get a plank of hardwood; and it has to be hardwood (pine or other softwood will split on you). I used an oak board which was about 1.5' wide by about 3.5' long. Close to one end, you screw into place a pipe flange. Once the flange is in place, you simply attach a 2' or 3' piece of pipe. Then you drive your vehicle ONTO the opposite end of board to hold it in place - drop your Buddistick or Buddipole mast into the pipe and you're ready to start operating.

If you're fortunate enough to be in a park that has picnic tables with a hole in the middle for an umbrella - then you wouldn't need either of these holders. Drop your mast in the hole and go to town! And of course, bungee cords work well to lash a mast in place when you have a vertical support available (deck, fence post, etc).

I hope this was helpful. If anyone has any questions that I can clear up, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.

73 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Thank you so much Larry. Your info was indeed helpful.

    Hope to QSO with you sometime.

    73 de Jamie, KL7WP

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Thanks for the tips.

    73 de Jason, N6WBL
