
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

We started a new family tradition for New Year's Eve which should last for the next few years, hopefully. As a family we went to dinner at a very nice place in town called Flanagan's. It was a good meal and it was a very good time spent with my wife and children. We talked and laughed a lot and had a great time.

New Year is about four hours away. I'd like to wish all of you a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2010. Thank you for reading my blog and sharing Amateur Radio with me. I set a record with 264 posts this year. I hope to surpass that in 2010; and hopefully, I won't bore you to tears.

It's generally at this point that we talk about New Year's resolutions; and like just about everyone else, I have a few:

1) Be the best husband, father, son and brother that I can be.

2) Lose some weight this year - at least 25 pounds.

3) Finish the PFR3A (a certainty!) and a few other kits I have here (not so certain!).

4) Get on the air more.

5) Send in my application for QRP DXCC (hope to do that this weekend).

6) Go somewhere really cool for FOBB 2010.

And some other things I can't remember right now. The plan for the rest of the evening is to relax, and watch the New Year roll in surrounded by my beautiful bride and out two kiddos. And if I don't get on for SKN tonight (bushed) I will definitely spend some time on the air with the new Christmas key tomorrow!

73 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2010 Larry - I browse your blog from time to time, in my efforts to generate new concepts and ideas for future ham radio cartoon humor. Seeing what others are doing & dealing with, always offers a humorous twist. Keep up the good work and hope '10 is a good one!
