
Friday, January 22, 2010

A painless process

I've mentioned before that I had just recently renewed W2LJ and I am good for another ten years. I got the hard copies from the FCC for my wallet and wall just about a week ago.

I wanted to reiterate just how easy it was to do. I renewed in a snap; and believe me, I am no IT wiz. If I can do it, anyone can. The thought of someone paying W5YI some ridiculous fee for doing this pains me. If you'd like to renew electronically; but for some reason are intimidated, then send me an e-mail and I'll do my best to walk you through - gratis.

If you can build a radio, or solder, or put up an antenna, then you can navigate through the FCC's Universal Licensing System. It is literally as easy as pie - pie that you shouldn't have to pay for - unless you have a Vanity Call ! ;)

73 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Larry, I also received the ARRL notice of my renewal being due so I went to the FCC's ULS website to do it and was unable to.

    Then I found out that to renew, I must be withing 90 days of my expiration date - I'm at a bit over 100 days so will wait a couple weeks and then renew...

  2. John,

    I never got a notice from the ARRL, only W5YI.

    Did you check at the ULS site to make sure you had your "Security Question" set up with them in case you forget your password? Make sure you have that already - if you don't, set one up. I didn't and I couldn't renew until I took care of that. It was no biggie; but I had to wait an extra day while that got processed.

    73 de W2LJ
